Saturday, 29 June 2013

Sleep is for the weak

Sleep is for the weak! That’s what they say isn’t it? Whoever “they” are…..insomniacs probably. But these days, as a hard working, contributing member of society I find myself agreeing with it somewhat.

Far too often it seems like I get up, go to work, come home, go to bed, get up, go to work and so on and so forth. This can’t be right can it? This isn’t fair. I object. I shouldn’t be forced to give away eight hours of my day everyday for sleep. There’s so much to do. DVDs to watch, internet to browse, sitting down to do. All the spice and variety of life. 

Wait…no that’s wrong… Variety is the spice of life. That’s what they say isn’t it? Whoever “they” are…people with ADHD probably.

Why do people go so crazy for this sleep thing anyway? Is it the dreaming? Is that the appeal? Maybe that’s what I’m missing out on.
I hardly ever remember my dreams and when I do they’re the sort of vaguely disturbing thing you don’t particularly want ingrained in your memory. Like that time I was left wandering a desolate post nuclear wasteland….with Luigi….

true story bro

These days I find myself actively fighting sleep. I’ll stay up even though I’m tired, I’ll get up far earlier than I have any real need to. I’ve just got more enjoyable things to do and I can’t be bothered with it.
Except when I have to get up for work, when I would literally kill a man to have more of it.

Monday, 24 June 2013

The 3rd annual Sonic the Hedgehog day

 The 3rd annual Sonic the Hedgehog day.
For the past three years, (since the 20th anniversary of the series) my fiancee and I have celebrated "Sonic Day" where we set a day aside to celebrate the birthday of one of the world's greatest video game series.

Boost to win
I kicked my day off by playing through a  few levels of Sonic Generations before work. I also got out some of my figures and made a display.

For one day only, my ps3 was set up with the Sonic CD theme.

Gotta go fast!
While I was playing Generations, Jordan took it upon herself to dress me in my Sonic Colours hat and Sonic tie.

 I'm waaaaaaaiiitttiiinnnnnggggg
After we both got home from work we set about making our dinner. How else to celebrate the birth of Sonic than with some home made Chilli dogs?

Our snacks for the night, watched over by my Generations statue. We've got Gold Rings (hula hoops), Midget Chaos Gemeralds, Maom Sonic Spinballs and larger rings through which we would later jump and attempt to get the blue spheres. 
We had Pepsi to drink, I know Sonic's officially affiliated with coke, but Pepsi's cheaper and if sonic worked minimum wage, he'd get pepsi too. 

My outfit of choice for the night, Sonic baseball cap, oversized (but oh so comfy) Sonic shirt and pink sonic jammie bottoms.


The contents of the delicious Chilli bowl halfway through cooking.

Sonic recreates the iconic cover art to Michael Jackson' Thriller, in an obvious tribute to Sonic 3
Went back and rearranged my figures. The CD playing is True Blue: The best of Sonic the Hedgehog

Our entertainment for the night.

Two chilli dogs with the works slowmo
 Fixin' up the dogs.

Have you ever seen a more majestic meal?

 We enjoyed our chilli dogs while watching Sonic the Movie.

 "You might know everything I'm going to do but that's not going to help you cause I know everything you're going to do. STRANGE ISN'T IT?"

Afterwards we played a little Sonic racing. 

 And had an hour long stint of Sonic monopoly.

Finally we finished off the day with a round of the game we were celebrating. 22 years old and still as enjoyable as the day it was released. 

Thanks as ever to Jordan for an awesome day. Not many girlfriends would put up with a childish obsession like mine let alone actively spend an entire day celebrating it. Best fiancee in the world.